
Two Bit, you say?

We are just two girls; living in a two-bit town; using this blog to make a name for ourselves in this world.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

2Bit is entering 2011 with exuberant hope and expectation of all that God has to offer. We are excited to experience the bright future He has for all of us, His children, and to enjoy life to the fullest. Will you take part?

Here's to 2011!!! 

A few of 2Bit's resolutions... aside from the serious ones
~To watch more old movies like....


~To take more pictures and videos (with new Flip..yeeeyoo)

~ To have and host more girls' nights and hang out with friends more

~To go on more picnics and savor the outdoors

Let's do a little recap on 2010, shall we?? 
-2Bit of Yum was formed...

-Saints beat the Colts in the Super Bowl

-John Wall was drafted into the NBA...

-"BeenerKeekee" takes over Youtube...

-The ipad was introduced...

-Video games no longer need a controller...

-Haiti suffered the horrendous earthquake on January 12 with over 200,000 lives lost...

-Chile's 12 miners were saved after being trapped underground for 70 days!!

Best movies of 2010, you ask? 
 "Inception", "How to Train Your Dragon" and "The Book of Eli"

 A few trends of 2010 

-The Faux Hawk met an all time high...

-Easy-tone tennies... still not convinced that they work...
More like a see-saw boats to break your ankles in...

-Ugly armadillo-snakeskin shoes

Never did own one, but more power to you, parachute legs...

-JEGGINGS... some cute, some kinda cheap-looking...
(I am wearing cute ones at the moment, unlike Conan...)

Happy New Year to you all! May your year be filled with the peace of God and may we always be looking for the opportunity to spread His love.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Zucchini Pasta

2Bit hopes you all had a fabulous and Merry Christmas. How blessed we all are to have family, friends and a God who loves us dearly!! Happy Holidays!! And eat lots and lots!! 

A low carb and more nutritious way to eat spaghetti.

Maybe use a bowl...
What you'll need:
2-3 tbsp olive oil
2 Zucchinis
1/2 white onion
2 tbsp garlic
3 tomatoes
1/2 jalapeno
1 portabella mushroom
2-3 dollops of greek yogurt (1/3 cup)
2 tsp red pepper flakes
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1tsp "Better than Bouillon"
Shredded parmesan 

Thinly peel pieces of the zucchini to simulate noodles...I left the skin on b/c of all the nutrients, so if you do the same, just scrub the pesticides and wax off, if they're store bought. :) These were from the garden.

...Peel just until you get to the seeds and STOP.

Add the zucchini strips, to already sauteing garlic (2tbsp) in a skillet on low heat.

Meanwhile, to begin your marinara sauce, saute chopped onion and olive oil in dutch oven on low heat.

The zucchini strips should be getting softer, more like the consistency of noodles.

Tomatoes fresh from Mama Maple's garden

Chop 3 tomatoes up, as well as the remaining zucchini to throw in the mix later.

Add the tomatoes to onion & olive oil mixture and continue to simmer.

Portabella mushrooms give a great texture to the marinara, so you don't even need meat.

Chop and add the 1/2 of a jalapeno to the marinara.

I chopped the mushrooms into really small pieces because my husband is not the biggest fan of mushrooms, if it's big chunks. He actually loved it!

As it continues to simmer, I added 2 dollops of greek yogurt. You could also do sour cream.

Now for some spices... 2 tsp of red pepper flakes gives it a nice kick.  Better than Bouillon is great for adding flavor, rather than salt. A little goes a long way. And lastly, my favorite ingredient, Balsamic vinegar, gives it the perfect tang, flavor and consistency.

If you want additional veggies, add the chopped inner zucchini 2Bit said to reserve. Allow it all to simmer until it looks more like marinara, in all about 25-30 minutes.

Combine the "noodles" and veggie marinara. Top with parmesan cheese.

(Recipe adapted from

Friday, December 24, 2010

2bit Favs this Week: All things delectable!

Decorating Christmas cookies...


Christmas Carols on Grooveshark...
Jewel is a 2Bit fav, especially her Christmas album, "Joy: A Holiday Collection."

Sushi & Edamame...

From Tomo

Molten Chocolate Cakes with my new Ramekins...

Recipe soon to follow...
A cracklin, homemade fire...

Lip gloss...
Oh, lip gloss, you are adored by many...

Lucky Charms...

As I would never allow myself to actually buy Lucky Charms, the family I nanny for happened to have them & I was quickly reminded of the joys of being a kid. Sugary deliciousness..& magical too!
(Image: Flickr,  At The End Of The Rainbow, by Kate Shepard)

Uk Basketball...



Dark chocolate covered espresso beans!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

O Holy Night

 "O Holy Night" is one of 2Bit's very favorite Christmas carols. However, most times we don't even realize the weightiness of what we are singing. 2Bit was blessed by this forwarded email's explanation, below. 

"I’ve heard and sung 'O Holy Night' literally hundreds of times.  But there are two lines that have stopped me in my tracks lately:

Long lay the world in sin and error pining
‘Til He appeared, and the soul felt its worth!

Wow.  'Pining' has, before now, been almost a funny word to me.  I suppose it strikes me funny because it indicates such raw neediness.  I’ll often joke about 'pining' for coffee in the morning… as if I’m just going to curl up and perish if I don’t get a cup of it right NOW.   Or my dogs… 'pining' for attention with their pitiful puppy eyes, pawing longingly to be noticed and touched.
But suddenly this powerful line, 'Long lay the world in sin and error pining,' paints a serious, tragic picture of our world literally wallowing in our need.  Until He appeared, that is!  Then we got a glimpse of our worth! When God shows up and smiles on our lives with his infinite kindness, He is SO full of everything we don’t have.  THAT is why we celebrate!  Because He gave us – and continues to give us – worth.  Value!  What more incredible gift could a soul possibly pine for?!
Those two lines from “O Holy Night” are enough for me to chew on for the entire season.  Thank You, Jesus, for letting my soul feel it’s worth when You showed up.  Without You, I’m pining.  And not just for coffee.  Without You, I’m desperately needy. Your coming is everything.  As we approach the celebration of Your birthday, I am more aware than ever just what a big deal You are!"

Thank you to whomever wrote this....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Coconut Cake

The end of November we celebrated Lydia's birthday with a fabulous dinner at Baker's 360 and a very moist, delectable coconut cake. 
Might 2Bit recommend waiting to reveal the cake unyil AFTER dinner is served?...which we failed to do. All it took was ONE bite & everyone dove in. No plates needed, just forks... what an appetizer. Why don't we do always do dessert first?? 

What you need:
2 c. cake flour ( If you don't have cake flour, all purpose flour sifted, minus 3 tbsp is equivalent)
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tsp baking powder
3 eggs
1/4 c. vegetable oil
1 c. light 
coconut milk
4 oz fat free sour cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 c. sugar
1 c. toasted coconut (toasting it makes SUCH a difference)
Recipe adapted from

Whipped Cream Icing
2 cups whipping cream
¼ cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 c. toasted coconut 
1.Preheat oven to 350
2.Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together; set aside. 
3.Beat oil, sugar and continue beating until light and fluffy, scraping down butter as needed. 
4.Add eggs one at a time, mixing just until blended. 
5.Add vanilla. 
6.Add the flour mixture in stages, alternating with coconut milk, until well blended.
7. Toast coconut until golden. Watch it closely as it will burn in a blink of yo eye. Add toasted coconut to batter. 
8. Bake for 20-25 minutes
9. Once the cakes have cooled, toast another batch of coconut for the icing. 
10. Whip the 2 c. whipping cream, 1/4 c. powder sugar and vanilla until fluffy. Add  toasted coconut
11. And if you're a glutton for coconut, like me, sprinkle flaked coconut atop your iced cake as well. 

It's thicker than shredded and the perfect texture for on top a cake

Baker's 360 has delish much so you want to kiss it...