
Two Bit, you say?

We are just two girls; living in a two-bit town; using this blog to make a name for ourselves in this world.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

We heart Biscuits & Gravy

2Bit doesn't know about you, but we LOVE breakfast, especially Sunday mornings or ANY time of the day really. And if we are feeling crazy, we might even like to have breakfast for dinner!! Yes, way!

Biscuits and gravy is a classic breakfast dish that everyone should know how to make. It's too easy. And too satisfying. And 2Bit loves being satisfied.

What you need for biscuits:
2 c. white whole wheat flour (unbleached, of course)
1 tbsp baking powder
1/4 c. shortening/butter/oil
3/4 c. milk
2 tbsp turbinado sugar

What you need for gravy:    
Turkey sausage/bacon
1 tbsp butter (optional)
2 tbsp wheat flour
1 c. milk
Salt & pepper
Thyme (optional)

Cook your sausage or bacon. 2Bit likes turkey sausage and Morningstar Soy sausage links.

Meanwhile preheat oven to 450 degrees. Start making your biscuit dough, but don't forget to check your frying sausage.  Combine flour, 2 tbsp turbinado sugar, salt, and baking powder.

Add 1/4 cup of all-vegetable oil shortening or butter or oil. Whatever choice of fat you want... Shortening is better for making biscuits oh so flaky

You can get this at kroger in the healthy section. 2Bit likes healthy, ok!

Stir flour mixture and shortening/butter with fork until it separates into small lumps. This is the only time in life you wanna embrace lumps.

Add 3/4 cup of milk and stir just until mixed. 

Once it is no longer sticky, but feels like a baby's bottom, place it on a floured surface to roll or press.

2Bit couldn't find her trusty roller, but found that pressing the dough works just as well.

You can use cookie cutters or just a glass for round biscuits. 2Bit just used a heart shaped dish, no lie...

While the biscuits bake, you will have plenty of time to make the gravy. (Since I was only cooking for me and my husband, I reserved half the dough to bake later.)

Take the sausage out and use the grease in that same skillet. Or in 2Bit's case, soy sausage does not leave that much grease so I added 1 tbsp of light butter. Add the 2 tbsps of flour and stir continuously, so it doesn't burn.

It should start to lump up and look just like this, which means it's time to add part of the milk.

Once you have added 1/4 of the milk,  just periodically whisk until it starts to boil as shown in the picture below.

Add about 1 tsp salt and continue to whisk. Every time it starts to boil, add a little more milk.

And pepper of course. Gravy has to have pepper. This is a fabulous pepper 2Bit found on sale in the healthy section of Kroger. 2Bit loves exotic.

Add any remaining milk and whisk until it's the right consistency. Remember that gravy will thicken a little as it cools, so it's ok if it seems a tad bit runny.
*Also, I was not sure if my husband would like Thyme in the gravy, so I added it after i dished out his; but it is amazing. 2Bit had gone to one of our most favorites, Good Foods, for brunch recently and they had added some kind of wonderful herb in their gravy and it was delish. So I took a chance with thyme, and man was it good. Husband approved too, btw.
Take those bad boys outta the oven before they burn. Make sure you check them while you are making the gravy cuz nobody wants a hard heart.

Recipe taken from Wycliffe International Cookbook, where I get many of my recipes. It's simply wonderful.

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