
Two Bit, you say?

We are just two girls; living in a two-bit town; using this blog to make a name for ourselves in this world.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

O Holy Night

 "O Holy Night" is one of 2Bit's very favorite Christmas carols. However, most times we don't even realize the weightiness of what we are singing. 2Bit was blessed by this forwarded email's explanation, below. 

"I’ve heard and sung 'O Holy Night' literally hundreds of times.  But there are two lines that have stopped me in my tracks lately:

Long lay the world in sin and error pining
‘Til He appeared, and the soul felt its worth!

Wow.  'Pining' has, before now, been almost a funny word to me.  I suppose it strikes me funny because it indicates such raw neediness.  I’ll often joke about 'pining' for coffee in the morning… as if I’m just going to curl up and perish if I don’t get a cup of it right NOW.   Or my dogs… 'pining' for attention with their pitiful puppy eyes, pawing longingly to be noticed and touched.
But suddenly this powerful line, 'Long lay the world in sin and error pining,' paints a serious, tragic picture of our world literally wallowing in our need.  Until He appeared, that is!  Then we got a glimpse of our worth! When God shows up and smiles on our lives with his infinite kindness, He is SO full of everything we don’t have.  THAT is why we celebrate!  Because He gave us – and continues to give us – worth.  Value!  What more incredible gift could a soul possibly pine for?!
Those two lines from “O Holy Night” are enough for me to chew on for the entire season.  Thank You, Jesus, for letting my soul feel it’s worth when You showed up.  Without You, I’m pining.  And not just for coffee.  Without You, I’m desperately needy. Your coming is everything.  As we approach the celebration of Your birthday, I am more aware than ever just what a big deal You are!"

Thank you to whomever wrote this....

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