
Two Bit, you say?

We are just two girls; living in a two-bit town; using this blog to make a name for ourselves in this world.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ode to Megan Marie

It's been 6 years since Megan went to be with Jesus and we could not miss her more!! There were so many wonderful things about Megan we will never forget... Her love for her mom's CHEESY potato soup (recipe at bottom), or just Velveeta plain; her beautiful, bleach blonde hair; her crazy, fun personality and loud laugh; the way she loved referencing inside jokes; how particular she was about her eye liner; her love for Bath & Body Works' "Sweet Pea" scent; how she loved to get dolled up, but could play any sport and was as tough as they come; she was fearless; how she "backed her angels up" countless times regardless of if that meant taking on all the boys in the world; her dislike of any food/drink that was too "tangy"; her ability to straight tell it like it was; her love for Shania Twain (2Bit was always impressed at how she knew all the words); the way she pulled a David and Goliath on our art teacher (she literally threw a rock, hit him in the head, knocking him down); her tender and compassionate heart; her love for her family, friends and mostly for her Savior; the list could go on and on... 

Megan is definitely a Bit...

Megan, BitJoy and BitCara at Camille's wedding. This is when it made sense to be comfortable at a reception and put on basketball shorts and oversized t-shirts, as well as change your wedding up-do to the infamous "loop." A funny memory about this night is that Megan loved cheesy potato soup so much that she thought the nacho cheese was soup and was eating in a bowl with a spoon.

After a basketball game where we surely did not pay attention but we surely had fun being our crazy selves.

At our basketball team's retreat and where the "Breckenridge Witch" legend was made.
"Charlie's Angels" as we were often called..

Pre-softball practice picture posing... Like we said, the girl was tough... 
you can't even see how big her muscle is here.

Trying to support the soccer team, but really annoying
 the crap out of everyone.

Homecoming Princess

Last day of school at Evangel, 2001... Good riddance we thought.. 
2Bit would do anything to go back.
 we loved being crazy...Jr year maybe.

Poor mother goose
Mac eyeshadow, you must see.

Our last trip together, to Myrtle Beach, the summer after we graduated high-school. 2Bit is so thankful for this fun time we were able to spend together. Megan's accident was just 3 months later. That's Lydia between the Bits (a 2bit sandwich, recipe to follow).

Connie Reader's Cheesy Potato Soup

What you need:
2 quarts water
1 clove of garlic 
1/4-1/2 c onion
8 potatoes
1 large can cream of chicken soup
1 lb velveeta cheese

-Bring to boil 2 quarts of water

-Add 1 clove of garlic, 1/4-1/2 cup of onions and 8+potatoes, washed and cubed
-Cook until tender. Remove potatoes and add 1 large can cream of chicken soup to water
-Whisk until smooth and add 1 pound of velveeta cheese. Reduce heat, stirring constantly until melted
-Add cooked potatoes.

Enjoy! We know Megan did. 

We will be having this tonight in honor of Megan and will put up pics later.


  1. Cara, Megan and Joy! Three beautiful souls that will one day be together again in heaven. Cara and Joy, thank you for making me cry :-) It's good to remember and wonderful to read the journey your lives are taking you on now. You have definitely captured Megan. Love you girls!
    ~Amanda C.

  2. This was awesome guys.... It made me cry she was so full of love and life :)

  3. Im glad I found this. I think its great what you two are doing in honor of Megans memory.

    Take Care and God bless- Jordan Buchanan

  4. awe i really enjoyed this! Miss you Cara and Joy.

  5. Pretty sure Meg would have been horrified you called her hair bleached blonde. She would barely admit she had highlights!! hahaha This was a great tribute, thank you two soooo much. I know how much you loved her. It means so much to our family to know that others cherish her memory and miss her like we do. Love to you both and your families.

  6. This is great girls! I love the pictures! I'll never forget putting Jaclyn in the basketball cage and rolling her outside (in a skirt), our N Sync music video (score 1 for Mo!), spending hours at the swimming pool pretending to be synchronized swimmers, and the many, many Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen movies! Megan, I miss you!!


  7. Love and hugs. You truly are best friends forever. :-) This was very beautiful, and you all were just as lucky to have her in your life as she was to have you all in her's.

    Julie S.

  8. Cara- just wanted to tell you how wonderful this was to read! Just like Stephanie she was such a wonderful person and still continues to touch so many lives. Just one of those smiles you could never forget. I know Connie and Roland have to be so proud that they raised such a unforgettable young woman!
